School Absence

The School attendance target is 97%. Parents and Carers have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly.

If a child is unavoidably absent from school, due to illness for example, Parents/Carers should contact school by telephone call on the first day of absence and each subsequent day, identifying the reason for absence and the expected date of return.

Please refer to our Attendance Policy and School Attendance Letter for more information:

Attendance PolicySchool Attendance LetterGood attendance is crucial to every child’s progress within their education and as such attendance is monitored very closely. Children of school age are legally bound to be in school every day unless ill. Any absences that do not have acceptable reasons against them will be unauthorised. We will work with Parents and Carers of pupils with unsatisfactory attendance to help improve their child’s attendance and action taken includes but is not limited to; warning letters, attendance panel meetings, Fixed Penalty Notices and court proceedings.

If your child will be absent during term time please complete a Leave of Absence application form at your earliest convenience, for consideration by the Headteacher. Before completing this application, we would advise that you consider very seriously how the absences will affect your child’s education. National statistics show 10 days absence in any academic year does have a negative effect on attainment. Discuss with the school any request for leave of absence prior to making any travel bookings. It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure you receive confirmation from the school before the leave is taken. Do not assume permission is granted if you have not received written confirmation.

Leave of Absence Form

Please note that Schools are not obliged to provide work for students taking leave of absence.


Page Downloads Date  
Whole School Attendance Letter 2024 25 06th Sep 2024 Download
Penalty Notice fines for schools are changin 06th Sep 2024 Download
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