School Meals

Our meals are cooked on site using fresh ingredients. We offer a Hot School Meal, which we strongly encourage all children to enjoy. You will find a copy of our menu below. 

Children in Reception to Year 2 receive free meals as part of the Universal Free School Meals scheme. If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals, please click the link below as the School is able to access additional funding to support your child's education if you are eligible for Free School Meals.

Free School Meals Scheme and Application.

For all other children, there will be a cost of school dinners per meal which must be paid for in advance at the start of each week. You can of course pay for meals further in advance, if preferred. 

We operate a cashless office so payments should be made online at WisePay - link below:

WisePay Software Services Logo Medium

If you choose to send your child into school with a packed lunch, please provide a healthy balanced lunch and avoid fizzy drinks and confectionery such as chocolate bars and sweets. We are strictly a NUT FREE school. Packed lunches must not include any products containing nuts, including peanut butter and Nutella due to the life threatening risk to children have a severe allergy. For this reason, pupils are not permitted to swap food items.

Please use the links below to learn more about healthy food in school, healthy packed lunch ideas, the NHS Eatwell guidelines and managing food allergies in school:

School Food Standards

NHS Healthy lunchboxes

NHS Eatwell guide

Food allergies in school




Page Downloads Date  
Lunch Menu 2024 25 Autumn Term 02nd Sep 2024 Download
How to pay for school lunches using WisePay 27th Jul 2023 Download
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